WelcomeSo why do I make jewellery and objects... the simple answer is that it gives me pleasure.I feel very fortunate to have a job that I love doing... but then I don't look on it as a job! This sounds pretty simplistic but the opportunity to respond to the landscape, political situations, personal philosophies, architecture, unusual objects and travel through the jewellery world is always challenging. The process stretches my intuition, knowledge and skills. Of course there are times when it is madly annoying. I also love finding beautiful and colourful forms and deconstructing and reconstructing them into jewellery and objects. It is amazing what a simple but beautiful egg beater can be turned into. Exploring new ideas, researching and developing new skills, experimenting... ending up with new forms is exhilarating. Learning new processes, buying new tools, stretching ideas beyond my comfort zone is challenging and rewarding. The knowledge that there is never enough time in the day to respond to ideas, influences and new materials is frustrating. David Watkins in his book Design SourceBook - Jewellery (New Holland Press 1999) says of my work: 'The sense of mystery is compounded by the care lavished on these objects, and by their relative simplicity, resonating as they do with myth, prayer and ritual' I hope that this same sense of empathy with the metal and past traditions is evident here in these illustrated objects...... as well as the fun that jewellery can be when you take a chance and keep the mind open....be it the maker or the wearer or the viewer. |